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Skills Course Workshop. Business Slang in Use

20 листопада 2016 Україна, Київ

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Виберіть кількість квитків, що ви бажаєте придбати
Квитки на захід "Skills Course Workshop. Business Slang in Use" (20-11-2016 – 20-11-2016)
Продаж квитків закінчився 20 листопада 2016 16:00
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Про захід

Dear friends,

Have you ever wanted to sound like those sharp businessmen from the City, London or dashing brokers from Wall street, NY, but were not 100% sure what kind of slang to use while talking to your Western friends, colleagues or bosses. Well then, our 4-hour "Business Slang in Use" workshop is exactly what you're looking for.

We will take a look at great number of eloquent words, phrases, expressions and idioms in the business context and learn how to use them in speeches and dialogues to make your point clear. So that is where you are going to find out what "bleeding markets", "being in the red" or being in the black", "smooth operator", "jet setter", "go-getter" etc exactly mean and practice using them right.

We are looking forward to seeing you all "high fliers" as well as "movers & shakers" there!

Aleksandra Ptukha - a highly qualified interpreter with more than 7-year experience of teaching Business and IT English to pros working for Cogniance, Luxoft, Epam and other major companies in the market.

Helen Jaremczuk, English native speaker, bilingual, with over 7-year experience of teaching Business English to employees of international banks and corporations such as Universal Bank, Ukrsibbank, FUIP and Transinvest Holding. Business trainer, finished British all-girls PHSG.

When? 20th, 4 - 8 p.m.

Where? Chasopys Eduspace, 30, Velyka Vasylkivska Str., 3rd floor.

Ticket price: 500 UAH.

The workshop will be held in English and Ukrainian/Russian.

The number of tickets is limited!

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20 листопада 2016
початок о 16:00
Chasopys EduSpace
Україна, Київ
вулиця Велика Васильківська 30
